Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • C. Godin is a member of the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Plant Sciences.

  • Since February 2017, Yann Guédon is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Plant Science, section Technical Advances in Plant Science.

  • Since March 2017, Christophe Pradal is Associate Editor of BMC Plant Methods.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • C. Godin has been reviewing for several journals in plant sciences and modelling: PNAS, PLoS Computational Biology, Annals of Botany, Frontiers in Plant Science.

  • Y. Guédon has been reviewing for several journals: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Annals of Botany, Frontiers in Plant Science and Statistics and Computing.

  • F. Boudon has also been reviewing for several journals: International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Computer and GRaphics, Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Methods, PLoS One, Presence, Annals of Botany, Biology Open, Developmental Dynamics.

  • O. Ali has been reviewing papers submitted in Scientific Report and Development.

  • C. Pradal has been reviewing papers submitted in SoftwareX and Frontiers in Plant Science.

Invited Talks

  • C. Godin has been invited to give a talk at the Mathematics for Developmental Biology meeting, held at the BIRS Center for Mathematics in Banff, Canada.

  • C. Pradal has been invited to give talks about Multiscale Plant Hydraulics in the kickoff meeting of the ANR-DFG Project FSPM Apple, about Modularity in FSPM in the national meeting of the INRA MFPC network, and about Reproducibility of computational experiments in high-throughtput phenotyping in the GDR MADICS at Paris-Saclay.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Christophe Godin:
  • is member of the Board of the Functional Structural Plant Models series of conferences.

  • is co-coordinator with Patrick Lemaire of the 4th Research Axis on Imaging in Biology and Modeling of the Institute for Computational Biology (IBC) of Montpellier.

Yann Guédon:
  • is a member of the committee board of the CIRAD/INRA/Montpellier SupAgro AGAP research unit and the scientific leadear of the Models and Methods for Plant Phenotyping (M2P2) team.

  • is member of the ERCIM working group on Computational and Methodological Statistics.

Christophe Pradal:
  • is a member of the INRA expert scientific commissions (CSS Ecophysiologie, ge ́ne ́tique et biologie inte ́grative des plantes) that assesses INRA individual researcher activities.

  • is a member of the HCERES expert scientific commissions that assesses national research organisations.

  • is a member of the INRA engineer evaluation commission (CEIMe ́thodes Pour la Recherche : Biologie ve ́ge ́tale / Domaine Informatique, bio-informatique, statis- tiques et calcul scientifique) that assesses INRA individual engineer activities.

Scientific Expertise

  • C. Godin is a member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the new Plant Phenotyping and Imaging Research Centre (P2IRC), Saskatchewan, Canada.

  • C. Godin is a member of the Review and Mentoring committee of James Lock’s group in Sainsbury Lab, Cambridge, UK.

Research Administration

  • C. Godin is a member of the project committee board at Sophia-antipolis Mediterranne ́e Reacher Center.

  • C. Godin is a member of the Scientific board of the modeling axis of Labex NUMEV and a member of the direction board of the institut de biologie computationnelle (IBC) in Montpellier.